Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Site collection app catalog available in SharePoint Online

The site collection app catalog is now generally available for all tenants in SharePoint Online.
 It allows you to make SharePoint Add-Ins and SPFx solutions available only in certain site collections. This is a great improvements because it allows more flexible deployment options, you can test a solutions only on site collection level before pushing it to the entire tenant and it can decentralize the management of add-ins and SPFx packages.
You can create Site Collection App catalog by using SharePoint Online Management Shell.
Note that you will still need to configure tenant app catalog. If you try to provision site collection app catalog without tenant app catalog you will get below exception.

Add-SPOSiteCollectionAppCatalog : Cannot invoke method or retrieve property from null object. Object returned by the
following call stack is null. "TenantAppCatalog
new Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantAdministration.Tenant()

For more information on site collection app catalog check out below PnP Webcast:

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Fantastic 40 is back in SPFx form

Well, actually not, but I hope that the title of this post will make you want to check it out.
I would like to share a great project called "SPFx Fantastic 40 Web Parts". Except the name, this project has almost nothing to do with the old "Fantastic 40 Application Templates for SharePoint (WSS & MOSS)" because it is a collection of 40 SPFx Client Side Web Parts. It is open source project so you can use it as you find for useful. It was created by Olivier Carpentier, but the code is provided "as is" without support from Microsoft.
I am so excited because the web parts look great and they might be a solution to common needs that the out of the box modern webparts don't fulfill.
It is also a great learning resource and demonstration of what can be done with SPFx.
If it is not an issue for you to consume the web parts assets from CDNs you do not control you can download and deploy the *.sppkg as it is and it will work. I also tried most of the web parts on SharePoint Server 2016 with classic pages and they work and look great.
The web parts are grouped in seven categories and below you can find some samples.

Menu & Carousels & News Management: News Slider

The News Slider Web Part renders a simple news slider carousel to your page. You can manage your active news, manage the layout and easily render a cool slider to enhance your pages.

Social Tools: Tweets Feed

The Tweets Feed Web Part is a SharePoint client side web part built with the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This web part generates a Twitter Feed on the page, based on the specified account. This Web Part uses the Twitter API to integrate the timeline.

Maps, Charts & Graphs: Bar Chart

The Bar Chart Web Part is a SharePoint client side web part built with the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This web part insert a Bar Chart in your pages, and you can manage the bar chart settings as items, color, title, legends, etc. This web part uses chart.js lib.

Images Galleries & Tools: Grid Gallery

The grid gallery Web Part renders a pictures slideshow with grid of thumbnails. This web part implements unitegallery.js (a popular jquery script) as a client side web part for SharePoint.

Video & Audio: Media Player

The Media Player Web Part is a SharePoint client side web part built with the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). With it, you can insert a video in your pages that is a HTML 5 compatible video or audio files, a YouTube video or a Vimeo video. This web part uses Plyr.js lib.

Text Tools: Tabs

The Tabs Web Part is a SharePoint client side web part built with the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This web part helps to create a tab (you manage, add, delete, edit or move a tab dynamically) and the web part editor can easily modify the tabs content thanks a HTML editor (WYSIWYG). This tab control is responsive, so the layout will adapt the render with the screen size.

Tools: Stock Info

The Stock Info Web Part is a SharePoint client side web part built with the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This web part generates a stock graph picture for a specified stock. This web part uses the Yahoo Financial service.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Build TreeView with XML data in PowerShell [Tip]

In one of my recent scripts I worked on, I had to visualize XML data in a tree view manor.
I achieved this by using the TreeView Windows Forms control and I think that the result is good and can be used as an example if you have to do something similar.
I tweaked the function and made it a standalone "XML Browser" script that is visualizing the XML document and if you double click on the element you will copy the Outer XML text to the clipboard.

PowerShell XML Browser

In order to visualize xml you need to supply the path to it and the starting element. On the screenshot above I have a web.config file loaded and the starting element I want to visualize is "configuration". You can find the code and the example below. I hope you find it helpful!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Nintex Workflow UDA Usage report script

Yesterday I worked with a client that have many Nintex workflow published with heavy usage of UDAs(User Defined Actions). I wanted to get a detailed report on the UDA usage. Unfortunately I am not aware of any  out of the box Nintex tool that can do that. The Analyze button can give you some information, but you need to click on the workflow to find out where it is located, you need to be in the scope where the UDA is published, you can get information for one UDA at a time and the information is not really "exportable".
This is why I created a powershell script that will give you information for the UDA usage across the farm on all levels. It will give you useful information like UDA Name, Workflow Name, Defined At, List, Web, Site, WebApplication, WorkflowType, Author, UDA Version Used, Workflow Id.
There are two "modes" of the script, the default will give you just the GUIDs of the list,web,site and the web apps. If you want to get the name of the list and the URLs you need to use the second mode that will require more time to complete but will give you nice looking URLs instead GUIDs. If you want to get the URLs just use switch parameter GetUrls. The result can be saved in CSV format or it can be outputted in powershell. If you give value for CSVPath the Grid View will open at the end to visualize the data. The main source of information is the Nintex Configuration database and you can use the script with SQL authentication if you have an account with enough permissions and your SQL supports it.
I have tested the script with SharePoint 2016,2013 and 2010 and the oldest Nintex Workflow version I tested was
You can see the code and the output examples below. I hope you find it useful!

Output with URLs retrieved:
Nintex Workflow UDA Usage report with URLs

Quick output with GUIDs:
Nintex Workflow UDA Usage report with GUIDs

Friday, 24 March 2017

Troubleshoot PowerShell Add-Type Load Error [Tip]

In the last couple of days I am working with a client that has a DMS solution based on SharePoint Server 2010. We inherited the solution so it has it's specifics. One of those little things (that make life exciting) is that they have fields with custom data types. 
I had to do a powershell script that will edit some document metadata. I had to update standard SharePoint native data type fields, but after updating the item in powershell I lost the values of the custom data type fields. I realized that I need the custom data type loaded in the powershell session. So I started to import some DLLs, in the order that I thought it makes sense as we do not have the source code of the solutions.This was fine until I received the error below:

Add-Type : Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

This error is completely generic and the only useful thing is that it tells us where we can find more useful information.
This simple error handling script turned out to be life saver for me as it showed exactly what the load error is and which dependent assembly I need to load first :)

The nice blue text is our LoaderExceptions property of the exception. I hope that you find it useful!
LoaderExceptions Powershell

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Conditionally Show/Hide and Require SharePoint fields with JavaScript

In my last project I worked on DMS system based on SharePoint Server 2016 and had a very common requirement for the document forms. The requirement was to have Document Status field, Approval Reason and Rejected Reason fields. It is logical to want to hide Approval Reason when the document status is Rejected or Rejected Reason when the document is Approved.The client also wanted to make the fields required when the corresponding document status is selected. 
All customizations were going to be deployed using the classic way, with farm solution. I also had Nintex Forms, but I was unable to use it in this case due to other technical constraints.
That's why I decided to solve this requirement using JQuery and JavaScript script that are deployed with the WSP solution and included in the mater page.
The end result was pretty good and this is why I decided to share the script and a way to safely deploy it in SharePoint Online without the need to edit the master page or the list forms. The script is really simple and can be used/deployed as it is or with minor changes by person with moderate JavaScript experience.
Few notes on the SPO environment that was used. There are 3 custom site columns with following Title, InternalNames and Type: 
- Title: Document Status, InternalName: DocumentStatus, Choice, radio buttons
- Title: Approval Reason, InternalName: ApprovalReason, Multi-line text, Not required by definition
- Title: Rejected Reason, InternalName: RejectedReason, Multi-line text, Not required by definition

You can see the script below:

There are two main functions, showOrHideFields that will be started when the page is loaded and will show or hide Approval Reason or Rejected Reason field depending on the value of the Document Status field in New,View and Edit forms. The second function is with the specific name PreSaveAction, it will be launched when Check In or Save button is clicked and will not allow the form to be saved if Approval Reason or Rejected Reason fields are empty and will pop-out an "error" message below the field, again depending on the Document Status field value.
Below you can see how the form looks like in New,Edit and View mode.

New, Edit and View forms

In order to deploy the script without modifying the forms or the master page we are going to use the SharePoint PnP PowerShell module for SharePoint Online. In order to "inject" the javascript links we are going to use Add-PnPJavaScriptLink command. In the example below I am uploading the JS file, adding ScriptLink to it and adding ScriptLink to Google hosted JQuery library.

Add-PnPFile -Path "C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\ShowHide.js" -Folder "Style Library/scripts/" `
    -Checkout -Publish -CheckInComment ""
Add-PnPJavaScriptLink -Name JQuery `
    -Url "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"
Add-PnPJavaScriptLink -Name ShowHide `
    -Url "https://mod44444.sharepoint.com/Style%20Library/scripts/ShowHide.js"

Once the commands are executed the scripts will be loaded in all classic pages in the web(default scope for this command).
Unfortunately this really useful way of injecting JavaScript will not work with the modern pages and the new Library and List experience. More info on this huge gap can be found in this post.

I hope that this was helpful!