Permissions and access control is essential part of
Information management and governance in a successful SharePoint implementation. As everything in SharePoint, user permissions and access require significant planning in order to prevent future headaches.
However, very often for one reason or another, there is no significant permissions planning, or if there is, it was not implemented correctly or the business users, site administrators and content authors haven't received proper training required to maintain a well organised permission structure. With the introduction of the "SHARE" button all over SharePoint 2013(most probably this will be valid for SharePoint 2016 as well), it became even easier for the users to break permission inheritance and grant another user or group with "Edit" permission to site,list or item, when only Read access was needed.
Time goes by and you onboard a new customer that has no clear concept for permission management in SharePoint, everything is great the sun is shining and then you receive a query from the customer asking you to give them information on what permissions a user has in their SharePoint. As mentioned the customer has no concept for permission management and they have nice mix of SharePoint groups, AD groups, permission levels, many object with unique permission shared with individual users and so on. You try to figure out what permissions the user has, you dig deeper in the content and eventually end up in below situation.

This is why I did something I had to do a long time ago, I wrote a powershell script that can get all permissions granted to windows user. This includes Farm level, Web Application User Policies, Site level(Owners/Admins),Web,List,Folder and Item. The script is creating a CSV file with all permissions and at the end it is loading the file in GridView for ad-hoc review. See how it looks like below.

The main goals for the script is to cover as much scenarios as possible. As you can see the script is covering different levels, not only permissions over securable objects. It is working and was tested in SharePoint 2010/PowerShell 2.0 and SharePoint 2013/PowerShell 3.0. It is working with Windows Classic authentication and Windows Claims.You can select the lowest object level that you can scan for permissions, starting with Web Application to Item. The script is showing if the permissions are granted directly or inherited by a Domain group, and if they are inherited it will show you the name of the group.
To achieve this I had to spare a lot of my free time. At the end this became one of the most complex scripts I have ever written and I am able to share. I hit a lot of rocks and did a lot of testing until I decided that it is good enough to be shared. There are many similar scripts, but so far I haven't found any that can cover this many scenarios.
This is also a call for everyone that will download and use the script to give me a feedback and if there are any issues in different setups, I highly doubt that the script can break something.
With this post I also want to share some of the interesting PowerShell techniques I have used in the script.
Above I mentioned that the script is not getting permissions from the securable objects only. This are the objects that can be secured with permissions and permission levels, they are SPWeb,SPList and SPItem. Getting the permission information for securable objects is a big part of my script, you can read how to get permission information for securable object in a
post by Gary Lapointe. In Gary's post you can find a script very similar to mine, unfortunately I found it when my script was almost ready.
There is one issue with the permission info for securable objects. In a scenario where the user is member of AD group and this group is member of SharePoint group there is no way to find from which AD group the user is inheriting the SharePoint group membership.Also consider a scenario where AD group is granted with permissions in Web Application with User Policy, you will need login/claim of the group to see if there is a policy. This is why my script is getting user's AD group membership, if there is a permission that is coming from SharePoint group the script will get the members of the SharePoint group and will see if the user is member of the SharePoint group or some of its AD groups is member and it will give you AD group name.
Getting AD user/group information is easy when you are on a Domain Controller, it is actually not very hard to do it from any domain joined computer. I have done it by using the Type Accelerator
[adsisearcher], you can read about it and how it is working from
this article.
Here is another issue I dealt with, the primary domain group is not listed in the attribute memberof. Imagine that the primary domain group is not "Domain User", you will need to know it in case there are some permissions granted in SharePoint. There is a
KB that has example how to do it with nasty old VB script :). How to do it in PowerShell is a bit easier. Every AD user has attribute "primarygroupid" that matches exactly with the group object attribute "primarygrouptoken" of the primary group, this ID is also the last digits from the group's SID.
There are some more techniques and workarounds I have used in the script, but I am risking the post to become very lengthy and boring, so download the script to see them.
You can download the script from below link.
Please, test,use and rate it in Technet Gallery. For examples and prerequisites see script's Help section!
(You may experience issue with Chrome, use Firefox/IE to open the link)